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Antony denies assault allegations in a Brazilian TV interview
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The Manchester United forward gave a TV interview in his home country.

The men’s football national team dropped the attacker a few days ago after the initial allegations made by ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavalin.

Rayssa de Freitas shared that she ended up in the hospital after being assaulted by the play and a woman last summer.

Speaking on the SBT – a Brazilian TV network – Anthony shared that he is innocent and that the truth will ultimately win.

The TV host asked him if he ever assaulted a woman, and the football player answered that he had never done it in his life and would never will.

Antony added that violence towards women is unacceptable and that he has a mother and a sister and would never want them to experience something like this.

The Red Devils declined to comment about Anthony’s situation but claimed a few days ago that they would wait for the police investigation to end before making any decisions.