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Barcelona president says Negreira case is ‘orchestrated campaign’
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Joan Laporta said internal investigation didn't show any wrongdoing

Barcelona president, Joan Laporta, said on Monday that all payments made by the soccer club to a company owned by a senior refereeing official were for advisory matters and not to gain any illegal sporting advantage. He revealed that Internal investigation conducted by the club did not show any wrongdoing and he said the case was an orchestrated campaign to discredit Barcelona.

“The advice does not constitute any kind of misconduct or criminal offence,” he said.

Standing in front of a box in which he said that were 629 technical reports, 43 CDs and four additional reports, Laporta said the professional advice was made with transparency and that invoices registered in Barcelona’s accounting system had passed fiscal reviews.

“The Spanish Tax Department sent a letter to the Prosecutor’s Office saying it could not prove that the payments to companies related to Mr. Negreira influenced the result of any match,” he said.