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Beckham proud to have been 2022 World Cup ambassador
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The former Man United and Real Madrid player was selected as a high-profile figure during last year's biggest event

David Beckham shared he feels proud to have been chosen as 2022 World Cup ambassador.

He came under severe scrutiny due to the countries oppression against same-sex relationship and exploitation of migrant workers.

“I had a lot of conversations with the LGBTQ community when I was there and they said they’d been treated perfectly fine,” Beckham told Sky Sports.

“They felt it was the safest World Cup they have had for a long time.”

Many LGBTQ supporters infamously boycotted the tournament given the countries treatment of the community.

The condition of migrant workers was also severely criticised, but overall the event went peacefully without major dramas.

“To be involved in another World Cup for me was important. I’ve always said football is a game that should be shared around the world.” Beckham added.

“This was an opportunity for another nation, for the Arab world to host one of the biggest sporting events in the world.

“It was an important competition and one I was proud to be part of.”