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British athletes complain about food in Olympic Village
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They are not happy with the quality and quantity of the menu in Paris

British athletes have expressed their dissatisfaction with the food quality and shortage of meals in the Olympic Village in Paris, according to Andy Anson, chief of the British Olympic Association, as reported by the “Daily Mail.”

The athletes have criticized the offerings in the main restaurant of the village, prompting the catering company to expedite food deliveries.

“There is a shortage of certain foods: eggs, chicken, specific carbohydrates. Additionally, quality is important because athletes are being served raw meat. They have decided that they prefer to eat in our restaurant in Clichy,” Anson stated.

The issue extends beyond British athletes, with competitors from other countries also voicing complaints about the food quantity and quality in the Olympic Village.

The Paris Olympics are scheduled to take place from July 26 to August 11.