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Canadian sport organizations asking Trudeau for national inquiry
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They believe the sport in the country is broken and needs help

More than two dozen sport and activist organizations are calling on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to start a national inquiry into what they say is a toxic culture of abuse in sport in the country.

“On behalf of thousands of Canadian athletes, we are calling on you to exercise your powers as leader of this country to protect every child, youth, and elite athlete…,” said Thursday’s letter.

Sport Minister Pascale St-Onge announced a series of reforms in the beginning of May that are aimed at holding the country’s national sport organizations (NSOs) accountable.

“To date, more than 1,000 athletes from over 14 sports have called for a national inquiry,” said the letter signed by 27 organizations. “Many sport organizations and agencies have openly said the system is broken and needs to be fixed,” the signatories said. “They, along with athletes, are begging for help.”