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Chicago’s LaVine to have foot procedure, out up to 6 months
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The Bulls guard could miss up to half a year.

Chicago Bulls star Zach LaVine will be sidelined for 4 to 6 months after he undergoes a procedure on his right foot in the next few days.

According to the franchise, Zach and his agents, they decided to undergo with the surgery after consulting and receiving multiple medical opinions.

Chicago manager Billy Donovan shared that it was LaVine’s decision to have the procedure, but he also added that Zach tried to rehab and return to the court.

LaVine has been sidelined since he suffered the injury on January 18th. However, according to his head coach, the sprain has healed, and Zach didn’t play because of additional discomfort in his foot. The same problem sidelined the guard for 17 matches at the beginning of the campaign.

“LaVine made a decision he felt was best for his health,” Bulls head coach revealed after Saturday’s match vs. Sacramento Kings.