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Cristiano Ronaldo will sue former club Juventus for unpaid wages
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The Portuguese star demands 20 million euro, that were not given to him

Cristiano Ronaldo has allegedly decided to take legal actions against his former team Juventus for unpaid wages in the Covid-19 pandemic.

During that period the Old Lady was struggling financially and most of the players agreed to defer their salaries. However, personal agreements were made with each player and in the case of Ronaldo, they seem to not have been fulfilled.

The 38-year-old has decided that the club should return him the money it owes him, which is in the region of 20 million euros.

The Portuguese sudden decision after the news former Juventus player Paolo Dybala was restored the 3.5 million euros he was owed.

It also follows the revelation that former defender Leonardo Bonucci, now with Union Berlin, said he will pursue legal action against the Bianconeri, though due to an unrelated issue.