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Djokovic eliminates Popyrin to reach Australian Open 3rd round
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Nole lost a set again but triumphed 3-1 sets despite that.

Novak Djokovic, world number 1 and reigning Australian Open champion, won against world number 43, Alexei Popyrin from Australia, 3-1 sets and advanced to the 3rd round of the Grand Slam.

The Serbian won the 1st set 6-3 as a single break point was enough for him to triumph in the opening set. However, with the home crowd’s support, Popyrin surprised the world number 1 and won the 2nd set after converting 2 break opportunities from 3 and allowing his Serbian opponent to break him only once.

In the 3rd set, we saw no break, and things could become even more interesting if Alexei had won the tiebreak, but Nole didn’t allow that and beat him 7-4 points to take the lead in the match again.

In the 4th set, Djokovic converted 1 break and won it 6-3 he also closed the match again and won the clash after losing 1 set.

Nole will play against the Argentinian world number 32 Tomas Martin Etcheverry in the next round.