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European Court takes final decision on the Super League in December
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The final rule is scheduled for December 21

The Grand Chamber of the European Court will rule on December 21 in the case for the European Super League created in April 2021 by dozen of European clubs.

A court in Luxembourg must decide whether European soccer’s governing body UEFA and world soccer’s governing body FIFA acted lawfully in blocking the creation of the Super League and trying to sanction the 12 clubs involved from England, Spain and Italy.

The jury’s decision will show how it interprets European Union law. Once it is taken, the case will be referred to the Commercial Court of Madrid, which will have the final say.

Bernd Reichart, who is the chief executive of the company A22, which is promoting the concept of a new European tournament, said that “club football is on the eve of a big change. We hope that the European Court of Justice will end UEFA’s monopoly and enforce the basic freedoms of the European Union in the world of football.”, he said.

“The fans, the clubs, the players and the sport of football will be the winners in a market that is open to the competition of ideas and in which clubs can manage and organize a European football competition without fear of threats,” Reichart added.