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Gianni Infantino re-elected as FIFA president for third time
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Infantino to remain at the wheel of football governing body until 2027

Gianni Infantino has been re-elected as FIFA president on Thursday morning.

Infantino was chosen by acclaim rather than the usual formal vote of the congress of 211 member federation, as the Swiss had no election opponent.

The Swiss lawyer has been in this position ever since 2016, when he was first elected. Ahead of this year’s elections, Infantino had already brought plans to expand the 2026 World Cup to 48 teams. He also proposed all countries to name each one stadium after the late great Pele after he himself opened the first “Pele” stadium in Kigali.

“To all those that love me, and I know there are so many, and those that hate me, and I know there are a few, I love you all of course, today especially,” Infantino said after being elected.

Under Infantino reign FIFA has broadened its horizon, giving more teams the chance to qualify for the big events, and has also managed to raise a lot of money.