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Giants tight end Waller retiring from NFL at 31
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New York tight end Darren is retiring from the league at age 31.

NY Giants TE Darren Waller is retiring from the National Football League.

The tight end (31) talks about his choice to call it a career on YouTube, revealing that a health scare he experienced in the past season gave him clarity about his life.

Darren shared a “very scary situation” during which he struggled to breathe and ultimately spent almost 4 days in the hospital, unable to move. He didn’t reveal the exact nature of the illness he faced.

“I returned from that experience, and I’m sitting in the hospital, and I return to my daily life, and I understood, ‘Without a doubt, I almost just lost my life, and I don’t know if I would felt great how I was spending my days if I died at that moment.'”

Waller added that he was happy to play football in the NFL at first but in time his passion slowly disappeared and he understood that now is the right time to call it a career.