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Hamburg police shoot down man with axe ahead of Euros game
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The suspect is receiving medical attention as he was neutralized near fanzone for the Dutch supporters

A major police operation is underway in central Hamburg following an incident where a man armed with an axe threatened police officers and pedestrians. According to officials, the man was shot and seriously injured by the police and is now receiving medical attention.

The incident occurred near a fanzone set up for supporters of the Dutch football team, as the Netherlands is set to play against Poland in the Euros later today. The police reported that the man threatened officers with a pickaxe and an “incendiary device.”

Media reports indicate that the attack took place around 12:30 local time on the Reeperbahn, a well-known street and nightlife area in the city.

The situation has prompted a significant police presence and response in the area to ensure public safety and manage the aftermath of the incident.