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Inter Miami owner David Beckham says his OCD ‘is a nightmare’
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He is trying to break these habits for years, but there is no result

David Beckham shared several times in recent years that he suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, known as OCD.

English football legend and current co-owner of the Inter Miami is painfully frank that it is difficult for him, but he is doing it. The disorder that Beckham suffers from is characterized by the presence of repetitive intrusive thoughts, fears, obsessions and actions, the meaninglessness or unreality of which the person is aware of, yet is unable to control.

Ever since he was a teenager at Manchester United academy, he has been addicted to rearranging hotel rooms and lining up cases of soft drinks to make everything perfect on match day and score at least one goal.

David Beckham admits he tried to break his cycle of repetitive behavior many times, but couldn’t stop. He went to dozens of doctors, spent a lot of money on examinations and medicines, but there were no results

“I realize it’s hell sometimes,” said the Englishman. “For me, everything has to be lined up in a straight line or everything has to be in pairs. There must be a pair of non-alcoholic cans in the fridge. Fresh milk – also. Whatever is in there should not be an odd number.”