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IOC advises Bach to seek 4 more years as president
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The members want Thomas to remain their president for 4 more years.

Olympic President Thomas Bach was urged by its members today to change IOC rules on term limits and be 4 more years as president.

Thomas’ presidency is set to end in 2025 – a 12-year maximum agreed-in anti-corruption reforms passed after the Salt Lake City bid scandal happened.

However, given the world’s current situation, a few of the 99 International Olympic Committee members started their annual meeting today, sharing they want more of Bach’s leadership in the future.

“We are very proud of you, and it will be for the best if you remain a president in the foreseeable future,” claimed IOC member Luis Mejia Oviedo of the Dominican Republic.

Bach shared after hearing those words that the IOC members moved him and made him proud of his work for the organization.