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Jaylen Brown labels Celtics’ Game 3 performance ’embarassing’
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The Boston shooting guard didn't hide his disappointment after the loss

The Boston Celtics’ star Jaylen Brown blasted his team’s performance in Game 3 against the Miami Heat, which they lost 128-102, labeling it as ’embarassing’.

“I don’t even know where to start. It’s an obvious letdown. I feel like we let our fan base, organization down, let ourselves down. It was a collective. We can point fingers, but in reality, it’s just embarrassing,” said Brown.

The 26-year-old notched only 12 points, his lowest in the series, after averaging 26.7 in the first round and 22.9 in the second. He missed all of his 7 3-pointers and is now 2-for-20 from three point range.

The Celtics are now 3-0 down and face a mammoth task of turning the series around. They face elimination if they succumb to yet another loss in Game 4, scheduled for Thursday night.