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LeBron James will terminate Lakers contract, agent reveals
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Rich Paul announced he is searching for a new team for "The King"

The NBA playoff battle may be intense, but LeBron James has managed to dominate the headlines even after the Los Angeles Lakers’ elimination.

The attention shifted to him following an announcement by his agent, Rich Paul, on TNT. Paul revealed that LeBron will become a free agent, and his next task is to find a new club for the basketball superstar.

LeBron James had signed a two-year contract with the Lakers last summer, which included a clause allowing him to decide whether to complete the second season. If he chooses to stay with the Lakers, he would earn $51.4 million. However, given the Lakers’ disappointing playoff performances in recent years, LeBron is seriously considering seeking a new challenge before ending his illustrious career.

“LeBron is a free agent. I have work to do to find him a club,” said Paul about the NBA’s all-time leading scorer. This news has sparked significant speculation about where “The King” might play next and has added an intriguing subplot to the ongoing NBA playoffs.