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Maldini leaves Milan after breakdown with new owner
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The ex-captain tenure as a technical director comes to an end

Paolo Maldini has stepped down as AC Milan’s technical director, the club announced on Tuesday.

The alleged reason behind the decision is a breakdown with new owner Gerry Cardinale.

“AC Milan announces that Paolo Maldini concludes his role at the club, effective as of June 5, 2023,” the club statement said.

“We thank him for his years of service in the role, contributing to the return to the Champions League and to winning the Scudetto in 2021-22. His day-to-day duties will be performed by a team working in close integration with the first team manager, ultimately reporting to the CEO.”

Maldini was a long-time captain as a player and favorites among fans, therefore it is no surprise that there has been a serious backlash from the Rossoneri supporters when the news broke out.

Maldini joined as technical director in 2019 and was largely credited with building a young squad that eventually went on to clinch the Serie A title in the 2021-22 season.