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Modric agrees on 1-year deal with Real Madrid
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Luka wants to finish his career with Los Blancos.

Luka Modric will be part of the Spanish giants until 2025 after inking a 1-year deal with the champions.

The Croatian has taken a back seat in the past campaigns to make a place for the youngsters on the team, and his deal was set to expire at the end of the month.

However, he will continue to be a Real Madrid player after signing a new contract that will keep him part of the biggest club in the world for at least another season.

Luka already gave green light to a 1-year deal with Real Madrid and the new contract will see him earn a lower salary as he will help the team from the bench and will guide the young players in the dressing room.

The Croatian was put into the Champions League final match in the 85th minute when Real Madrid had a 2-goal lead against Borussia Dortmund, as that was Modric’s 6th UCL title during his time at Bernabeu.