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NBA commissioner: ‘Exploring expansion next on the agenda’
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Silver claimed that the league is focused on expansion.

With the NBA already secured a new collective bargaining agreement in the past summer and at the moment in the final steps of a new media rights deals, the commissioner Adam Silver revealed that his next focus will be an expansion beyond 30 franchises.

“I can’t say for sure that expansion will happen for certain, but I understand the huge interest from so many people that to happen,” Adam shared during his annual NBA Finals news conference before the start of the 1st match of the NBA Finals. “In my opinion, several wealthy individuals and institutions would like to invest and purchase National Basketball Association organizations, but our main task at the moment is to look holistically because there is the dilution, without a doubt.”

The league has not expanded in the past 20 years, when it added a franchise in Charlotte 2 years after the Charlotte Hornets moved to New Orleans. In the next years, average franchise valuation has skyrocketed from millions to billions.