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Odegaard: ‘My time in Real Madrid made me successful’
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Martin claimed that his career in the Royal club contributed to Arsenal’s success.

Martin Odegaard admitted that without his period in Real Madrid, he would not be the footballer he is today.

The Norwegian joined Real in 2015 when he was the most recruited 16-year-old in history, but his time in the Spanish giant did not go to plan as he ended up playing just 11 matches for the 1st team before leaving for London in 2021.

Despite not making it in Real, Odegaard claimed he doesn’t regret his transfer to Madrid.

“My time in Madrid was crucial,” the Norway international told the media. “It was an important step.

“I learned to mature, and I learned a lot, but I needed to be on the pitch. I’m satisfied with the decision to leave and how my time there has passed.

“If I didn’t join the Royal Club, I would not have reached my current level. Real Madrid is the biggest team in the world, and the pressure there is too.”