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Reiss Nelson ‘wants to assess’ transfer options
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Arsenal forward is not happy with his time on the pitch.

Reiss Nelson has told the Gunners that he wants to consider his options in the current transfer window.

The 24-year-old’s spent just 256 minutes on the pitch in the EPL in the past campaign, starting just 1 time, and faces tough competition for playing time in an Arsenal team that failed to win by fine margins the title in the Premier League for the 2nd straight campaign.

Reiss inked a new 3-year deal to remain with the Gunners in the past summer, with the opportunity of an additional year, after making an impact from the bench during the 2022/23 campaign.

But now, the striker wants to consider his options to leave Arsenal as he was wanted in January.

The Gunners turned down those offers then, being in the fight for the Premier League and in the Champions League, but it seems that they will not stop Nelson to leave if a team offered around 20 million pounds tor Reiss.