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Russia suspended for 2024 Paris Olympics
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The country will not have representatives, but individual athletes could still compete under the neutral flag

The Russian Olympic Committee has been excluded from the 2024 Paris Olympics, it was announced on Wednesday.

The IOC decided that the ROC will not be viable to participate after violating the Olympic charter by including members regional sports bodies which are under the authority of the Ukrainian Olympic Committee.

Russian athletes may still be able to participate in the big event under the neutral flag, but a decision is yet to be made.

The IOC will make a clearer stamp on the matter in the near future, once the event gets closer.

It is not the first time the ROC has ran into trouble as it was suspended in 2017 for a doping scandal, a ban, which was subsequently lifted in 2018. The Committee initially avoided penalties following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but the IOC has been firm on its stamp that no Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials should take place in the event.

“The Russian Olympic Committee is suspended with immediate effect until further notice.” a statement from IOC read.

“The IOC reserves the right to decide about the participation of individual neutral athletes with a Russian passport in the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at the appropriate time.”