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Super League owner says ‘72% of the fans support the tournament’
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A22 conducted a research on the matter among the football supporters in Europe

A22 Sports, the entity responsible for overseeing and promoting the European Super League (ESL), asserts that the majority of fans are in favor of the proposed competition.

They commissioned a survey claiming that 72% of supporters endorse the ESL—an assertion that many within the sports community find disputable.

“The study conducted by Opinionway for A22 Sports shows broad backing across all age groups,” A22 announced on Twitter.

The 72% figure raises some eyebrows, as it appears that A22 is attempting to promote its product in the face of widespread condemnation of the ESL. This claim seems more like desperate marketing, emanating an air of utter nonsense that becomes even more evident upon closer scrutiny.

Most fans vividly recall the strong opposition the ESL faced when initially proposed—online outrage, widespread protests, and a unified fan voice against the competition contradicted the results of A22’s survey. The study, conducted by a firm with which they partnered, appears to carry confirmation bias, resembling a situation where a student grades their own homework.

This proclaimed ‘result’ is a glaring attempt to manipulate public opinion and is perceived as an insult to the intelligence of football fans. The recent decision by the European Court of Justice to allow the ESL to operate may have given it a new lease of life, but it has done little to regain genuine fan support.

Clubs remain cautious about joining the ESL, acknowledging the potential backlash from the very communities that sustain them. Self-serving surveys cannot alter the narrative. The ESL remains a rejected product, and desperate promotional tactics are unlikely to change that reality.