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Tonali can play for Newcastle in PL on Saturday
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Sandro is available for his side amid a betting probe.

Sandro Tonali is available for the Magpies’ Premier League clash vs. Crystal Palace on Saturday and can be picked by head coach Eddie Howe.

The Italian midfielder, who joined Newcastle after the English team paid almost 67 million dollars to Milan for him, was not part of his nation’s squad for Euro 2024 qualifying games vs. Malta and England after the Italian Football Federation was notified by authorities of his involvement in a gambling probe. Aston Villa player Nicolò Zaniolo, on loan this campaign from Galatasaray, was also not part of the Italian national team.

Credible sources claim that Sandro can be banned from playing football for a very long time after the player shared that bet on Milan matches while being part of the team.

His agent announced yesterday that Tonali is “fighting against a gambling addiction” and that Sandro is very sad about the consequences of his action.