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Verstappen considers quitting F1 after his contract expires in 2028
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The Dutchman is unhappy with the new way the sport is taking

Max Verstappen conceded that he is contemplating quitting the sport after his current contract with Red Bull expires at the end of 2028.

The statement comes after extensive criticism from the reigning world champion towards the path the sport has taken, and in particular – the extension of the Sprint race, that along with the long 23-races calendar put extra strain on the drivers.

Verstappen head into the 4th round of the Championship with 15 points advantage over his teammate Sergio Perez in second and is red-hot favorite to clinch not the race, but the whole championship as well.

However, the 25-year old has been openly pessimistic about the Sprint races in general (which we will see this weekend) and was rather unenthusiastic when asked about the new format.

“If we keep expanding the calendar and the whole weekend is that long, at one point you question yourself “is it worth it?” he said.

“I do like racing, I do like winning. I know that of course the salary and everything, you have a good life, but is it actually a good life?”

“I think sometimes you get to a point in your career where maybe you want to do other stuff.”

“I know that I have a contract until the end of 2028, and then we’ll review again. But I do feel that if it’s getting at one point too much, then it’s time for a change.”

All this raises questions as to how drivers are being treated and is it time to loosen up the f1 environment.