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Wolves only vote to axe VAR from 20 Premier League club
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Wolverhampton only opposed the use of the VAR.

Wolverhampton didn’t get the opportunity to scrape VAR in the EPL, with teams voting 19-1 today for the video assistant to be present in the upcoming season.

Wolves demanded a vote for the use of the video assistant and its use in the upcoming campaign in the Premier League as they announced its decision that the price that the teams are paying for a small increase in accuracy is not worth it given the tradition of football.

For the proposel to be successful, 14 EPL teams out of the 20 were need to vote in favor of the Wolves’ motion for VAR to be removed from the start of the next season.

Almost half of the Premier League club participate in the European competitions where VAR is used and that’s why they will be in disadvantage if the assistant was scraped from the EPL.

Other teams declared that VAR must improve, but removing it at the moment is not the right decision.