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Zlatan Ibrahimovic meets Pierse Morgan for an exclusive interview
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The former forward talks about a lot of moments in his 24-year career

One of the most popular football emblems Zlatan Ibrahimovic faces British journalist Pierse Morgan for an exclusive interview in Morgan’s show “Pierse Morgan Uncensored”.

The Swedish striker retired from professional football at the end of last season at the age of 41 and has a lot of stories to share from his career that lasted almost 24 years.

In the short trailer that Morgan posted on his social media, Ibrahimovic talks about his disputes with Pep Guardiola in Barcelona, the passing of his manager Mino Raiola as he says the Italian wasn’t  only his agent, but ‘everything’ for him and he still misses him.

Ibra also talks about the possibility to play a Bond villain and his biggest regrets. The whole interview will be posted on Thursday, October 5.