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Goff close to record for consecutive passes without an interception
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Jared is closing to the NFL record for consecutive passes without an interception.

The Detroit Lions QB Jared Goff is closing in on the league’s record for most consecutive passes thrown without an INT.

The quarterback’s last interception was vs. Green Bay Packers on Week 9 in the past campaign, and he made 35 more passes without an interception in TNF’s victory against the Kansas City Chiefs. That gets him to 359 consecutive passes without an interception, the 3rd most in the National Football League history.

Aaron Rodgers, who threw 402 passes without an interception in 2018, holds the record. In the 2nd place is Tom Brady, with 399 during the past campaign. Tom also threw 358 passes without an interception from 2010 to 2011, which was the 3rd most before Jared passed him on the new season opener.

The Lions quarterback needs 44 more passes without an interception to surpass Rodgers’ record. That could happen in Detroit’s Week 2 match vs. Seattle Seahawks.