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Super League CEO says a ‘lot of team said they are in’
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According to him, a many club publicly refused the tournament, but are actually ready to discuss their participation

The CEO of A22, Bernd Reichart, stated that he will continue to persuade European clubs to join the Super League. He assured that many clubs, publicly distancing themselves from the project, have actually been in contact and hinted that they are open to discussions. However, they continue to face pressure from UEFA. Reichart confirmed plans for free broadcasting of tournament matches and projected annual revenues exceeding 3 billion euros, primarily from advertising.

“I promise you, today’s football is neither in love nor faithful to the monopoly. Do we even doubt that UEFA is exerting pressure on the clubs? But we will convince them. Today, I spoke with many clubs that made public statements, where we still see the long arm of a 70-year-old monopoly. Some of them called me today and said, ‘we say ‘no,’ but here we are.’ We will not force them to say ‘I am here’ today. We are not here to build walls; we want to unite, not divide. A new era of dialogue is beginning, and at some point, we will announce the clubs that will form the Super League. We will not force anyone today to sign an agreement. We will offer the best football in the world completely free. The best football that can reach billions. And there is the possibility of refinancing primarily through advertising. We are able to receive 3 billion annually from advertising. Saudi money is not behind the project; we have talked to investors from Europe and the USA. We have guarantees from an American investment fund,” said Reichart.

Initially presented three years ago, the Super League project involved 12 of the biggest teams in Europe. However, they quickly distanced themselves from the plans, and eventually, all declared their exit, leaving only Real Madrid and Barcelona in support. Yesterday, the presidents of the two Spanish giants were at the forefront of defending the project, but within hours, a large portion of the remaining leading teams in Europe distanced themselves from the initiative and declared their support for UEFA.